CJM::LA Team Expands

We are very pleased to announce the addition of Nicole Horn to our Santa Barbara design studio.

Nicole comes to us with a background in urban planning and landscape architectural design and is interested in fostering social benefit through the implementation of ecologically sensitive and creatively designed spaces.  She holds two masters; in both landscape architecture and urban and regional planning.  Nicole enjoys surfing and also volunteers her time as an active board member of the Ventura Botanical Gardens.  She joins us as a project manager and has already become an integral member of the CJM::LA team.  Welcome Nicole!

Design Thinking | Fast Company

Fast Company

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Design Thinking…What is That?

Retail Renovation | Santa Barbara Landscape Architect | CJMLA

Design thinking describes a repeatable process employing unique and creative techniques which yield guaranteed results — usually results that exceed initial expectations. Extraordinary results that leapfrog the expected.